On January 26, 2025, Tagesschau reported on the valuable resource of blood, which experts say could be used much more efficiently in German hospitals. Through targeted blood management, many transfusions…

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung highlights the importance of a sustainable and patient-focused approach to blood reserves in a comprehensive article. The innovative concept of Patient Blood Management is presented as…

In the latest broadcast of Deutschlandfunk Nova, Professor Dr. Patrick Meybohm discusses World Blood Donor Day with a focus on Patient Blood Management and its implementation in Germany. The broadcast…

From the 15th to the 19th of May 2024, the 50th Central European Congress for Patient Blood Management of the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (SRATI) took place…
On May 17, 2024, the Societatea Română de Anestezie – Terapie Intensivă (SRATI) invites you to a scientific congress on the topic of “Patient Blood Management” in Sinaia, Romania. Topics…
In this video [german], Prof. Dr. Lutz, Frank Beckers and the anaesthesia team of the St. Vinzenz-Hospital Cologne explain the Patient Blood Management principles.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia. If an iron deficiency is diagnosed, intravenous iron administration is one of the treatment options. In our new explanatory…
The German PBM Network was founded in 2014 with the aim to implement PBM in Germany. When joining the PBM Network, the hospitals are supported with training material and standard…
Die Barmer Hessen hat die nach eigenen Angaben landesweit erste Vereinbarung zur Finanzierung des Patient Blood Managements abgeschlossen. Unmittelbarer Vertragspartner ist zunächst das Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, allerdings gelten die Rahmenbedingungen deutschlandweit…
Die Frankfurter Rundschau beschreibt in diesem Beitrag den Nutzen von Patient Blood Management. Außerdem wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die deutschlandweite Umsetzung bisher noch nicht erreicht wurde. Hier geht’s zum Artikel!